Frosty Squirrel
Professional Corporation

Why should I choose Frosty Squirrel?


In accounting honesty is paramount. It’s not just about adhering to laws; it’s about building trust with our clients. Presenting and explaining financial data clearly and accurately to ensure our clients make well-informed decisions is the byproduct of our honesty. Acknowledging and rectifying mistakes is crucial for maintaining and building our integrity. However, this also means advising clients towards sustainable financial practices, even when it challenges their immediate desires. Ultimately, our commitment to honesty fosters lasting relationships with our clients, proving that it’s not just good ethics—it’s good business.


Our firm stands on a foundation of integrity. We adhere strictly to ethical standards and legal regulations, safeguarding your financial interests. Our dedication to doing the right thing, regardless of circumstances, ensures your financial affairs are handled with the utmost professionalism and moral rigour. While we do understand there are grey areas in business, there are certain lines that are black and white.


Our firm is committed to our clients as we see them as partners we can grow with rather than billings that we should maximize. We spend the time at the beginning to ensure we understand how your business operates and over time we expand this knowledge allowing us to objectively see opportunities or threats that may have been missed. While at the same time ensuring that we keep up-to-date on various changes in tax, technology and general market conditions. This is what it means to “stay frosty” as an accountant.

Frosty Blog

Within the Frosty the Squirrel Blog, there is a significant amount of valuable information on various topics that many Canadians will find useful.

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Profile: Adrian GJ Hodgson, CPA, CA

I have had a wide breadth of positions before my career as a chartered accountant. This allows me to understand various industries and technologies from a wider viewpoint. Having lived and worked across Canada throughout my life, from Fredericton to Inuvik to Vancouver, I have developed connections and knowledge of the different cultures within our nation.

Graduating from the University of New Brunswick with double honours in Accounting and Finance and a concentration in Marketing I moved to Calgary in 2012. Passing the UFE in 2014, I continued my career with Paul Teoh Chartered Professional Accountants for 7 years, 7 months and 7 days.

Once my time at Paul’s had mutually ended, I created Frosty Squirrel Professional Corporation rather than be lost in the corporate world. Hoping to create a bigger impact on the world by educating and empowering clients to do bigger and better things.

Why the name Frosty Squirrel CPA?

Because Adrian Hodgson Professional Corporation is boring. Since Adrian wanted something unique, he looked towards his nickname of “Giant Squirrel”.
This nickname came about as he is 6’3″ and performs various feats of strength, including deadlifting 500 lbs. Along with his insatiable curiosity and habit of becoming distracted by shiny objects or becoming completely focused on a subject, he was called a squirrel at a young age.

The term “stay frosty” is used to indicate the need to stay alert and aware in dangerous situations. This is very relevant to our practice.

If we become complacent in the way we deal with issues, changes, or technologies we will simply fall behind becoming less effective. Eventually, this would lead to the downfall of any company.

Through these two aspects, the name Frosty Squirrel was born. This name has been received with overwhelmingly positive feedback, especially with international clients as they view it as uniquely Canadian.